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Iceland / Promote Iceland / Visit Iceland

Promote Iceland is a public-private partnership established to market Iceland´s commercial interests abroad and to increase the country´s export revenues.

Promote Iceland´s goals include:

  • Enhance Iceland´s good image and increase awareness of the country abroad. Assist Icelandic companies in marketing their goods and services abroad. 
  • Promote Iceland as a tourist destination and to help promote Icelandic culture abroad.
  • Offer training and consultancy services to companies, associations, and individuals in Iceland, to help them reach success in the international marketplace.
  • Promote investment opportunities and attract Foreign Direct Investment to Iceland in coordinance with the current policies of the government.
Iceland / Promote Iceland / Visit Iceland

Iceland / Promote Iceland / Visit Iceland

Promote Iceland is a public-private partnership established to market Iceland´s commercial interests abroad and to increase the country´s export reven
Guide to Iceland

Guide to Iceland

Uniting over 1500 Icelandic travel operators in a single community, Guide to Iceland remains the world's largest collaboration for Icelandic travel se
Arctic Adventures

Arctic Adventures

Arctic Adventures is a premier provider of recreational tours in Iceland, with a vast selection of trips and activities available throughout the count


Nicetravel was founded by three Icelandic families in 2012. We offer a variety of tours in Iceland starting from Reykjavík, including day tours, multi
Crisscross Food Tours and Farm Visits

Crisscross Food Tours and Farm Visits

Crisscross offers a selection of food tours and farm visits in West Iceland. We choose to let our taste buds lead the way and move in the spirit of sl

Other (31)

AE86 Barónsstígur 27 101 Reykjavík 659-8550
Bull Expeditions Njálsgata 49 101 Reykjavík 832-6509
Icelandair Reykjavík Airport 101 Reykjavík 505-0100
Kraftganga Lækjargata 4 101 Reykjavík 899-8199
Mengi tour-travel Frakkastígur 14 101 Reykjavík 863-0152
Pietro Pirani Photography / Bull Iceland Njálsgata 49 101 Reykjavík 832-6509
Pink Iceland Hverfisgata 39 101 Reykjavík 562-1919
Public transport - 101 Reykjavík -
Reykjavik Excursions BSÍ Bus Terminal 101 Reykjavík 580-5400
TourDesk Lækjartorg 5 101 Reykjavík 5534321
Local Friends Iceland Austurbrún 4 104 Reykjavík 899-4461
Spicy Viking Iceland Langholtsvegur 147 104 Reykjavík 868-4848
ÓB Sjálfsafgreiðslustöðvar um allt land / Network of self service stations 104 Reykjavík 515-1111
Bungalo Borgartún 29 105 Reykjavík 445-4444
FLÓKI TOURS Flókagata 1 105 Reykjavík 853-7575
Iceland Unlimited Borgartún 27 105 Reykjavík 415-0600
Unreal Iceland Mjóahlíð 16 105 Reykjavík 848-8468
Iceland Untouched Meistaravellir 11 107 Reykjavík 696-0171
Arctic Mike Iceland Fellsmúli 7 108 Reykjavík 894-2731
Hey Iceland Síðumúli 2 108 Reykjavík 570-2700
Jötnar Mountaineering Bústaðavegur 61 108 Reykjavík 857-6253
Orkan Sjálfsafgreiðslustöðvar um allt land / Network of self service stations 108 Reykjavík 4646000
Rob Trips Fellsmúli 6 108 Reykjavík 680-0715
Stefán Svavarsson Sævarland 14 108 Reykjavík 693-4726
The camping card Ármúli 36 108 Reykjavík 552-4040
Ísorka Charging Stations Net hleðslustöðva um allt land / Charging points network all around the country 108 Reykjavík 568-7666
FishIceland Lundur 11, íbúð 503 200 Kópavogur 899-4247
GJ Travel Vesturvör 34 200 Kópavogur 5205200
HeidrunGuide / PrivateguideHeidrun Álfatún 19 200 Kópavogur 790-4101
Another Iceland Vindakór 10-12 203 Kópavogur 693-2150
Pathway 899-8588