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Atli Arnarsson & Tríó Sól - Concert

July 12 at 17:00-18:00
Atli Arnarsson and Tríó Sól invite you to a concert in Borg á Mýrum Church on Friday July 12th 2024 at 17:00. The program will include classical and folk music performed by the trio, as well as music from Atli's upcoming album; Stígandi.
The concert is a part of Öldur concert tour and entrance is free.
Atli Arnarsson is a musician from Reykjavík, based in Copenhagen. He is currently working on his debut solo album, Stígandi, which is inspired by a maritime accident that happened in 1967. Atli's grandfather was working on the herring ship Stígandi when it sank far north of Iceland. The ships' crew got onto lifeboats and ended up having to wait there for five days, until they were finally rescued. Alongside making music, Atli is currently studying Sound Design at the National Film School of Denmark.
Tríó Sól is an Icelandic string trio consisting of Emma Garðarsdóttir and Sólrún Ylfa Ingimarsdóttir, violinists, and Þórhildur Magnúsdóttir, violist. They often perform unknown pieces and new compositions as well as improvisations. They all have studied in the Royal Danish Academy of music in Copenhagen, but they originally met in Sigursveinn D. Kristinsson's School of Music in Reykjavík, Iceland.
~ The Öldur tour is supported by Rannís

GPS points

N64° 33' 40.869" W21° 54' 56.864"


Borg á Mýrum