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- Restaurants

Dalahotel is a family owned hotel located in a beautiful, quiet valley, only 1 km from highway 60. The place is famous for its antiguity, Guðrún Ósvífursdóttir lived there, who was one of the main characters in Icelander's Sagas. The hotel is located at the foot of a mountain where you can enjoy untouched nature with a number of hiking trails suitable for everyone. At the end of the day you can relax in the hot tubs and swimming pool, where the hot water is obtained from a borehole that is located in the hotel building area. 

Our restaurant has the following summertime opening:
Breakfast: 8:00 - 10:00 AM every morning

Lunch: 12:00 - 2:00 PM every day. 

Dinner: 6:00 - 9:00 PM every night

See the menu here 



Dalahotel is a family owned hotel located in a beautiful, quiet valley, only 1 km from highway 60. The place is famous for its antiquity, Guðrún Ósvíf
Laugar in Sælingsdal in Dalir

Laugar in Sælingsdal in Dalir

Gudrun Osvifursdottir, heroine of Laxdaela Saga, was born (973AD) and brought up at Laugar. It is said that she used the hot water pool there a lot an


Pool, hot tub, steam bath and wading pool in beautiful surroundings.
Gudrunarlaug Geothermal Pool

Gudrunarlaug Geothermal Pool

According to Laxdaela saga, Gudrun Osvifursdóttir used to dwell by a geothermal pool in Laugar in Saelingsdalur. The pool is mentioned in Sturlunga sa


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Hólar Petting Farm

Hólar Petting Farm

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Hvammur in Dalir

Hvammur in Dalir

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Krosshólaborg in Dalir

Krosshólaborg in Dalir

Auður djúpúðga ( Auður the Deep minded) was one of the settlers in Dalir. She was a Christian and had a cross raised at Krosshólaborg, where she went